Thursday, April 4, 2013

Green cars

Maybe someday, but not yet (hat tip to Will):


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

When ever the government "Invests" in a technology that isn't ready, IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE!

Kid said...

Money laundering.

Thersites said...

I'm waiting for graphene batteries...

Thersites said...

Due to the extremely high surface area to mass ratio of graphene, one potential application is in the conductive plates of ultracapacitors. It is believed that graphene could be used to produce ultracapacitors with a greater energy storage density than is currently available.

...and greater energy storage capacityisthekey to progressin the electric car battery field.

Average American said...

Stossel asks the jerk why he should pay $7,000 to subsidize his car and jerk replies "I didn't ask you to." Stossel should have jumped all over his ass for that blatant lie. It's people like him that are pushing the government to MANDATE that we pay those ungodly costs. Maybe "ask" was the tricky word here. Right, he didn't ask, he demanded!