Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Not Cameo!

The way that Cameo likes to stuff her face, it's a good thing this cat isn't Cameo:

Here is the real Cameo:

Yeah, she likes to eat. And eat. And eat.

She likes to play in the snow - the kind that falls from the sky in the winter.


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Happy Caturday, Mr.

Kid said...

The Greys are so laid back aren't they AOW?

Always On Watch said...

Cameo used to be feisty and temperamental. Probably her Siamese heritage: she is 1/4 Bluepoint Siamese.

However, she has mellowed wonderfully since she went through a few illnesses (bad abscess on her back, bladder stones, and the hairball from hell). Once our new kitty Amber arrived on September 13, 2012, Cameo has taken on the role of patient mother.