Monday, November 21, 2011

Blast From The Past

As a teenager, I had this 45 in my collection:

Do any of you remember this one?


Brooke said...


The local high school (I have to check if they still do this) has a late night program called 'Weird Stuff For An Hour', and I've heard this on the show!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Sorry Mr. I've never heard of it, but then again I think I know why.

Ron Russell said...

Mr AOW, I remember it very well! '56 was a great year for me.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

That's a new one for me. Little Nash Rambler was a former favorite of mine, though.

cube said...

It was before my time, but I've heard it on the radio. I have eclectic taste in music and listen to many different sources.

Unknown said...

My grandad played this for me whenever he heard it on the radio...laughed like crazy. He took me to the scene of the accident which killed my cousin in a 67 vette...that struck closer to home...Love the 50's stuff. I had an oldies band in the early 70's.