Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Not so sure how happy 2013 is going to be with Hussein in the Oval Office for another four years.

But it's best to be optimistic on the first day of the year!

Who knows?  Maybe we'll get a run of good luck, after all.


Unknown said...

A happy new year to you, may God grant you good health and happiness.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Years to our troops! Happy New Year to all Anti-Tax Conservatives. Say No to Tax-Increase Deal. And to you Libs, Dems. Progressives, and whatnot's, you put us here, and you didn't worry about ME, so I'm not going to worry about you! .. ...
Well onward and upward folks! Good luck in 2013 joining together to survive the Obama administration and the misery he has and he's bound to continue to give us all. Lets hope that we can survive and look forward in ridding America of these scum and crud that are called Liberals and progressives that put him in office. If these is one thing that's for sure, there isn't any shortage of fools in this great country of ours.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Years to our troops! Happy New Year to all Anti-Tax Conservatives. Say No to Tax-Increase Deal. And to you Libs, Dems. Progressives, and whatnot's, you put us here, and you didn't worry about ME, so I'm not going to worry about you! .. ...
Well onward and upward folks! Good luck in 2013 joining together to survive the Obama administration and the misery he has and he's bound to continue to give us all. Lets hope that we can survive and look forward in ridding America of these scum and crud that are called Liberals and progressives that put him in office. If these is one thing that's for sure, there isn't any shortage of fools in this great country of ours.

Z said...

A very happy new year to you, Mr. AOW i'd say that video was 'cool" but I meant cool keen, and it's cool COLD! :-)
This California girl loves snow shots! thanks..

I'm wishing you a terrific year of even more recovery and fun with Mrs AOW and THE CATS!

Love, Z

Ron Russell said...

Happy New Year to you Mr. AOW. I'm a glass half-full person and this will be a good year for conservatives---I honestly believe that. As the old saying goes, "its darkest just before the dawn"!

Brooke said...

Auld Lang Syne, Mr. AOW!