Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Democraps are idiots!

Former Secretary of State says, "Blame Bush forever!"

How do they think up this CRAP?

This is going to be one helluva ride to Election Day 2012.


Brooke said...

'Cause their brains are full of it...

Mr. AOW said...


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Now you know why I call them Democraps too. That woman truly makes me believe in the peter principle. And, I'd like to add this is what happens when your wife is allowed to hire the help.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Unfortunately, it's been working for them so far...

Anonymous said...

Clint Eastwood may very well have sealed the deal for Mitt Romney. I saw that people are planning to put empty chairs in their front yards all over the country tomorrow to emphasize that Obama is an empty suit.
And I guess that Eastwood's shtick wasn't a failed joke as the Libs are saying all over the boards.

Think about this, we have Clint Eastwood on our side and they have Bill Maher and Jane Fonda on theirs.. I'd say that's a pretty good trade off. The Liberals have a great really reason to have their panties in a bunch this time..

Always On Watch said...

Professor Anonymous,
Mr. AOW and I think the same way -- that Eastwood has done Romney a lot of good.